Navigating the Scholarly Landscape: Prioritizing Scopus, Web of Science, or PubMed for Your Scientific Publications

Publishing your scientific research is a crucial step in advancing your career and contributing to the body of knowledge. But with a plethora of academic journals and databases, knowing where to submit your work can be daunting. A key decision is choosing the right indexing service, with Scopus, Web of Science (WoS), and PubMed being…

How to Proceed to Publish a Scopus Journal Paper: A Step-by-Step Guide

Publishing in a Scopus-indexed journal is a significant achievement for researchers, lending credibility to their work and contributing to their field’s body of knowledge. However, the process can seem daunting. This article breaks down the journey into manageable steps, providing a practical approach to crafting a successful Scopus publication. The Roadmap to Scopus Publication The…

The Crucial Element of Framework in Research: A Comprehensive Guide for Researchers

Introduction: In the world of academia and research, a well-framed research topic serves as the foundation for a credible and impactful study. This article aims to provide a comprehensive guide on the essential steps in creating a robust research framework, structured into five critical parts: introduction, review of literature, research methodology, data analysis, and conclusion.…

Free Journals Non-paid – No fees – No APC Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus for Social Sciences and Humanities

Free Journals Non-paid – No fees – No APC Indexed in Web of Science and Scopus for Social Sciences and Humanities Journal Title P-ISSN OR E- ISSN Publisher Country of Publisher Indexing 2023 Web site Acta Historica Tallinnensia 1406-2925 Or 1736-7476 Estonian Academy Publishers   Estonia Web of Science- SCOPUS   A Anuario…

What’s the Real Difference Between a Scopus Journal and an ISI Journal?

ஒரு ஸ்கோபஸ் ஜர்னலுக்கும் ஐஎஸ்ஐ ஜர்னலுக்கும் என்ன வித்தியாசம்? ஆராய்ச்சிக் கட்டுரைகள் வெளியிடும்போது, ஸ்கோபஸ் (Scopus) மற்றும் ஐஎஸ்ஐ (ISI – Web of Science) ஆகிய இரண்டு தரவுத்தளங்களின் பெயர்களை அடிக்கடி நாம் கேள்விப்படுகிறோம். இவை இரண்டும் என்ன, இவற்றிற்கு இடையேயான வேறுபாடுகள் என்ன என்பதைப் பற்றிப் பார்ப்போம். ஸ்கோபஸ் மற்றும் ஐஎஸ்ஐ: ஒரு அறிமுகம் ஸ்கோபஸ் மற்றும் ஐஎஸ்ஐ (குறிப்பாக ஐஎஸ்ஐ அறிவு வலை) ஆகியவை வெவ்வேறு நிறுவனங்களால் இயக்கப்படும் இரண்டு நூலியல் தரவுத்தளங்கள்.…

Selecting the Best Journal Indexing Services: A Comprehensive Guide

Introduction Journal indexing services play a crucial role in the visibility, discoverability, and impact of academic research. These platforms help researchers and scholars identify high-quality publications, track citation metrics, and analyze research trends. This article outlines some of the most reputable and widely recognized journal indexing services in the academic community, along with tables, lists,…