Tamilmanam International Research Journal of Tamil Studies is committed to upholding the highest standards of scholarly integrity and academic rigor. To ensure the quality and validity of published research, the journal employs a double-blind peer review policy. This process guarantees impartiality and objectivity in the evaluation of submitted manuscripts.
Peer Review Process:
- Initial Submission: Upon submission, all manuscripts are initially assessed by the editorial team to determine their suitability for the journal’s scope and adherence to basic formatting guidelines.
- Double-Blind Review: Suitable manuscripts are then sent to two independent subject matter experts for review. In a double-blind review, the identities of both the author(s) and the reviewers are concealed from each other throughout the review process. This ensures that the review is based solely on the scholarly merit of the work, free from any potential biases related to the author’s reputation, affiliation, or personal connections.
- Reviewer Evaluation: Reviewers are carefully selected based on their expertise in the relevant field and their experience in evaluating scholarly works. They are instructed to assess the manuscript against predetermined criteria, including:
- Originality and significance of the research
- Clarity of research question and methodology
- Soundness of the theoretical framework
- Appropriateness and rigor of the methodology
- Validity of the findings and conclusions
- Clarity, organization, and coherence of the writing
- Adequacy of the literature review and citations
- Revision and Resubmission (if required): If the reviewers recommend revisions to the manuscript, the author(s) will be provided with the reviewers’ comments and suggestions. The author(s) are expected to address all concerns raised by the reviewers and resubmit a revised version of the manuscript along with a detailed response to each point.
- Second Review (if required): The revised manuscript is typically sent back to the original reviewers to ensure that their concerns have been adequately addressed and that the quality of the paper has been improved to an acceptable standard. This iterative process continues until the reviewers are satisfied with the manuscript.
- Final Decision: Based on the reviewers’ recommendations and the editorial team’s assessment, a final decision is made regarding the acceptance, rejection, or further revision of the manuscript. The decision is communicated to the author(s) along with a summary of the reviewers’ comments.
Reviewer Responsibilities and Ethics:
- Objectivity: Reviewers are expected to provide unbiased and objective evaluations of the manuscripts assigned to them. Any potential conflicts of interest must be disclosed to the editors.
- Constructive Feedback: Reviewers are expected to provide constructive and helpful feedback that will assist the author(s) in improving the quality of their work. They should clearly articulate the strengths and weaknesses of the manuscript and provide specific suggestions for improvement.
- Confidentiality: Reviewers are required to maintain the confidentiality of the review process and the contents of the manuscripts they review. They should not share the manuscript or discuss it with others without the permission of the editors.
- Identification of Uncited Work: Reviewers are asked to identify any relevant published work that has not been cited in the article. This helps to ensure that the author(s) are aware of the existing literature and that the manuscript is properly contextualized within the field.
- Conflict of Interest Disclosure: Reviewers must explicitly state that there is no conflict of interest in reviewing the assigned manuscript. This includes any personal, professional, or financial relationships with the author(s) that could potentially bias their judgment.
- Timeliness: Reviewers are expected to complete the review process within a reasonable timeframe. Timely reviews help to ensure that the publication process is efficient and that authors receive feedback on their work in a timely manner.
By adhering to these principles and procedures, Tamilmanam International Research Journal of Tamil Studies strives to maintain the highest standards of academic quality and contribute to the advancement of knowledge in the field of Tamil Studies. We believe that a rigorous and transparent peer review process is essential for ensuring the validity and credibility of published research.