What is DOI?

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A DOI (Digital Object Identifier) is a unique identifier for a publication that’s used in research.

What is DOI?

A DOI is a string of numbers, letters, and symbols that’s assigned to a publication to identify it. It provides a permanent web address (URL) for a publication, and it’s like a Social Security number for the publication. DOIs are used to identify publications in databases and on websites.


Zenodo is an open-access repository that assigns DOIs to datasets, research software, presentations, posters, and reports. It is a European Union-funded service that enables researchers, scientists, and engineers to deposit, share, and preserve their research outputs. With a DOI from Zenodo, researchers can increase the visibility and impact of their work.

Table: Examples of DOIs from Zenodo

Research Output DOI
Research Data 10.5281/zenodo.123456
Research Software 10.5281/zenodo.111111
Presentation 10.5281/zenodo.222222
Poster 10.5281/zenodo.333333
Report 10.5281/zenodo.444444

“Zenodo provides a bridge between scientific research and the public, ensuring that research outputs are easy to find, access, and reuse.” – Zenodo Team

Importance of DOI

DOIs have become an essential tool in the world of research. They help researchers, publishers, and institutions understand the impact of their work, and they help make informed decisions about future research and publishing efforts. DOIs also enable the discovery of research outputs, which leads to increased collaboration and citation rates.

DOI Agencies

DOI agencies are organizations that issue and manage DOIs for publications. These agencies follow a set of guidelines set by the International DOI Foundation (IDF), which oversees the DOI system. Some of the most prominent DOI agencies include Crossref, DataCite, and mEDRA.


  1. What is the purpose of DOI?
    • DOI is a unique identifier for a publication that’s used in research.
  2. How can I find a DOI for an article?
    • Look on the first page in the header or footer information.
  3. How do I format a DOI in APA 7?
  4. What is the difference between a DOI and a URL?
    • A DOI is a permanent identifier for a publication, while a URL is a location identifier for a publication.
  5. Why should I use a DOI for my research outputs?
    • DOIs enable the discovery of research outputs, increase the visibility and impact of research, and follow a set of guidelines set by the IDF.


DOIs are used to identify various types of research outputs, including:

  • Journal articles
  • Research reports
  • Datasets
  • Research software
  • Presentations
  • Posters
  • Reports

In conclusion, DOIs are a crucial tool in the world of research, and they play a significant role in discovering, accessing, and citing research outputs. By assigning a DOI to your research outputs, you can increase their visibility and impact, making them easier to find and reuse

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